Another year is coming to and end, but it’s not over yet! In the fitness world, December is the new January, which means there’s no need to put those New Year Resolutions on hold… Start training today!

If you don’t know where to start, that’s normal. That is why I am collaborating with Joey @ for your health & fitness needs.
First, let’s start off with a plan! As you begin your fitness journey, you want to get clear on what your goals are and what works with your schedule. To make these changes really stick throughout the year, keep these tips in mind:
Start by writing down your goals. This could be anywhere from lose weight, gain muscle, simply improve cardio or create new healthy habits.
Look at your schedule and fix a time of the day where you know you can be consistent.
Start slow and build up gradually. Long walks and practicing yoga help get the body moving without too much exertion if you’re not used to exercising.
Accept the changes that you need to make. Staying fit can be hard work, but don’t let that scare you. Your body is a machine that was designed to dance and move; be flexible and be teachable.
Don’t go it alone! Contact Joey and come with your list of goals and times ready. Together you can build a program that best suits your needs.
Be honest with your trainer and yourself. The best way we can help you is to truly know what needs correcting.
Listen to your body. You will feel tired on some days and that’s normal too. Once again, don’t go it alone, reach out and we break things up if/when needed.
If you have the ambition, we can point you in the right direction! Start your plan now so that it is ready and set to go come January… and if you can start a few days before, that’s even better.
Remember, exercise is not a punishment but a celebration for what your body can do!