I am so excited to share with you the first FREE sample video from my online course “Introduction to Fascia Therapy.” Make sure to subscribe now as to not miss out on the extra information I will provide here for each upcoming video, FREE!
Follow along and take extra notes which are not included in the course. Doing this will ensure better understanding of what you’re learning, plus it always helps to have more details during quiz time.
Let’s begin with Sample Video #1: The Introduction
All the techniques are filmed from my point of view, giving the viewer a virtual reality experience!
Learn staple techniques to release myofascia.
Learn how to perform a full-length massage without the use of oil.
Ask a friend to volunteer to be on your massage table.
Read the e-book included in the course downloads “Connect: A Practical Guide to Fascia”.
Chapters 1 - 4 include: the structure, the benefits, the contraindications, the objectives, and some pathologies of connective tissue.
Read about “intention” throughout the book but covered mainly on page 24.
Give yourself about 90 minutes to read “Connect”; followed by another 90 minutes or so to complete the course videos and quizzes.
That is my first bit of advice when starting the course. If you have any other questions, please get in touch with me directly and I will be happy to answer. Click below to enroll!