This year, along with creating, I also wrote and published my first e-book. I have been working in the health and wellness industry for over 15 years and helping my clients hands-on, has been and still is, a very rewarding experience… but then I thought: “What if I can reach more people? Then I can help more people to heal and feel better.” Ergo, I began to write!
My professional practice in massage therapy extended to developing my finesse in fascia therapy, and this is what my book is all about! I am passionate and enthusiastic in sharing my knowledge on fascia.
For anyone who wants to learn more about fascia, in my e-book Connect: A Practical Guide to Fascia, I make it easy to understand:
The basic anatomy of fascia and how it works.
How nutrition can affect the health of our fascia.
The importance of pursuing a holistic and healthy lifestyle.
For health professionals who want to learn more about fascia, such as other massage therapists, physiotherapists, physicians, chiropractors, fitness and yoga instructors, I address:
The advantages of conducting an evaluation with your client/patient and the best way to do so.
The value of intention.
The importance of educating and involving your client/patient in the healing process.
How to identify injuries or pathologies;
Along with the appropriate treatment guidelines and practical demonstrations of fascia therapy techniques with detailed images making it easy to follow along to.
Anyone can learn how to achieve a myofascial release and decrease muscle tension simply by reading my e-book, Connect: A Practical Guide to Fascia.
“Health and fitness professionals are in a unique position to help others and Connect: A Practical Guide to Fascia is a wonderful text that’s worth adding to a resource library.”-Daniel Kehlenbach, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Nutrition Educator, excerpt from his 5-star review on
Also available on Google Play Books or get your copy right here on
Discover and experience the power of this intentional touch and start healing today!