We are pleased to announce a new service to further enhance your wellness here at the Reiki-Balance studio. My colleague and husband, Joey Sciacchitano, is officially certified as a Naturopath. Supplementing his personal training services with naturopathy – pun intended, to offer a complete package that can support your physical and mental health.

What is Naturopathy?
Here is a brief description of Naturopathy from the practitioner himself:
“Naturopathic medicine is a system that incorporates the use of natural remedies and methodologies to help the body heal itself. It incorporates the use of vitamins, minerals, herbs and nutrients in addition to nutritional counseling catered to the client's needs.” -Joey Sciacchitano, ND, NCCPT.
Common Ailments Treated by Naturopathy
Thyroid imbalances.
Adrenal fatigue.
Sleep disorders.
ENT (ear-nose-throat) issues.
Autoimmune conditions.
Gut or digestive symptoms (food intolerances, IBS, constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, etc.).
Skin conditions (acne, eczema, psoriasis, cellulite, etc.).
Cardiovascular dis-eases (high cholesterol, hypertension, arrhythmia, etc.).
Musculo-skeletal issues (arthritis, osteoporosis, athletic injuries, etc.).
Menstrual complaints & irregular cycles.
Menopausal symptoms.
Low libido, and/or low fertility levels.
The Benefits of Naturopathy
Any one of these issues can be regulated by natural means of healing. The advantage of naturopathic care is all in the name- it’s all natural! Free from chemicals and dependency on the traditional medical system, which aims to treat the symptoms instead of the cause.
Focusing only on the symptoms is an archaic approach in medicine now-a-days. Getting to the root cause of the problem, getting to know the person and their lifestyle, can really make a difference in reducing the problem and reversing the damage!
Promotes a healthy lifestyle.
Helps weight loss.
Helps muscle gains.
Individualizes care.
Works with conventional medicine.
Reduces pain and symptoms.
Prevents dis-eases (something no longer at ease in the body or mind).
Reverses damage.
Is cost-effective.
Is a safe and natural approach to healing.
Book Now
If naturopathic care sounds like the right choice for you or your loved ones, don’t be shy to reach out. For more information about Joey and his services, simply click the link below to go to his website:
I am so proud of his transition from working in a high-stress tech job to becoming a well-rounded, health practitioner! He is passionate, dedicated, and the most well-educated human being I have ever met! Anyone who knows him would probably say the same.
Working alongside the rest of us at the Reiki-Balance studio is a sure recipe for success!
Choose between:
Massage therapy
Cranio-Sacral Therapy
Nutritional coaching
Meal Plans
Personal Training
With all our services combined, we are sure we can help you find the right match to achieve not only good results, but to reach optimum health and wellness! Namaste.
Contact me: info@thebodyblog.ca
Contact Joey: joey@apexcoaching.ca
Contact Pina: info@reikibalance.ca
Contact Sophie: Masso.phy.therapie@gmail.com
(All practitioners are certified members of their respective associations. Insurance receipts are available for all our professional services.)