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Practical Ways to Feel Good in Your Fascia

Writer's picture: Tania CuccinielloTania Cucciniello

Well what do you mean: “feel good in your fascia?” Our body is made up of this complex collagenous connective tissue which runs inside and out of our bodies, from head to toe, like a body suit or nylon stocking. When nylons get bunched up, it’s uncomfortable, just like when our body’s stocking gets tight. Tightness in the fascia feels like dense, tight fibers, which may present symptoms such as pain, headaches, soreness, lack of flexibility and weakness.

Here are some all-natural, practical things you can do daily to help release that tension:

  • Yoga: Yoga is the practice of breathing throughout several postures which help stretch and relax the body. Yoga aims to increase flexibility and strength of the connective tissue. This allows improvement in the quality of deep myofascial stretches. When tissues are warm and used often, this decreases pain throughout the body. Movement is of utmost importance when it comes to the health of fascia, I guess that’s what makes yoga a top contender when it comes to myofascial releases!

  • Foam Rolling: Foam rolling or massage with a ball is another dynamic way to help break up fascial adhesions and stretch out tight muscles. I recommend foam rolling at least once a day to get out the toughest spot you’re feeling, amongst other stretches and exercises to keep active. It’s easy to do from home, all you need is a foam roller or ball and preferably a mat. Here are some very common ways to use the foam roller on your glutes and legs:

  1. Go-to move #1: Figure 4 roll-out, 2 minutes per side

  2. Go-to move #2: IT-Band roll-out, 60 seconds per side

  3. Go-to move #3: Hamstring roll-out, 60 seconds per side

  • Low-impact exercises i.e.- dancing or walking: Get outdoors and get those legs moving! Walking is a great way to boost circulation and mood. Or work up a sweat by dancing! An easy way to get moving without having to think about calories burned or time between sets. Simply have fun and stop when you’re beat (pun intended). Your fascia will thank you for it!

  • Mobility testing: Mobility is the ability to move with ease. Mobility exercises prevent injury and increase range of motion. Mobility training is a great way to warm-up before and cool-down after each workout or use it as the entire work out for the day. Mobility testing helps us determine the range of motion available before training. Therefore, some form of mobility testing should be done everyday. Test the area in question or needed for your exercise or event; otherwise you may perform a general full body mobility training to increase suppleness of the tissues throughout the entire body.

  • Bodyweight strengthening: Fundamental, basic strength training is so important for building more strength and muscle. The body must first learn how to lift and support bodyweight before adding on weights, like when using barbells or dumbbells. A mix of light to medium intensity is 100% needed before trying to lift heavy. This way of training will ensure proper muscular and articular integration of the exercise, as well as recovery; both which contribute to longevity in training.

  • Massage Therapy: All massage therapy influences fascia, more specifically fascia therapy. A fascia therapy massage is performed without the use of oils, any method that doesn’t use oil can have a direct friction on the fascia. Therefore, the techniques look more like sustained pressure points, oscillations, mobilizations, short glides, and compression holding to be held until the myofascial tissue releases. The many benefits of this intuitive touch include:

  1. Releasing of holding patterns in the body and releasing of endorphins.

  2. Identifying lines of tension.

  3. Releasing adhesions and restrictions.

  4. Transporting metabolic material through the body.

  5. Helping to handle trigger points.

  6. Dispersing restrictions from area to area in the body, creating openings.

  7. Changes the molecular structure on a cellular level through the wavy impressions created in fascia therapy.

  8. Enhancements to the body’s ability to self-heal.

It doesn’t take much to feel good in your fascia, a 30 minute walk or stretch session can provide pain relief, increased blood flow, increased energy and supple tissues, leaving you feeling good in your body... until the next restriction needs to be released.

It's inevitable, we use our bodies everyday for chores, errands, exercise, sports, hobbies and so much more. That's why I tell my clients all the time to make sure they have a routine in place that will focus on working out the kinks of the body, keeping them feeling well all the way up to our next appointment. If I can have my clients coming back in a progressed state of body and mind compared our last session, then we can work on other things and keep the therapy dynamic.

For more about how I work and fascia therapy massage, stay tuned for my upcoming course, based on my book Connect: A Practical Guide to Fascia. The book is on sale now, but the course makes it come to life!

Please stay tuned for the LAUNCH DATE! Please share with anyone you know may be interested too! Take the course from home and because of its unique camera angle, experience it like I’m right there with you. Here’s a sneak peak:

For more of my Third-Eye view, check out my #YouTube channel too:

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